Giáo án anh 6 unit 3. At home

Week: 5 Unit: 3 AT HOME
Period :14 Lesson: 1 What a lovely home ! ( A2, A3 )
Date of teaching :18/09/2014
A- Objectives
- Help ss make exclamation: What + a / an + adj + n!
By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to make complaints and compliments.
Develop 4 skills; listen, speaking, reading and writing.
B – Teaching aids
Book, lesson plan, word cues, computer, projector.
C- Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Ss’ activities

I/ Organization: Greetings and checking attendance. (1’)
II.Checking up : (6’)
-T asks ss to work in pairs: one asks, the other answers by using: Is there a / an .......? Are there any.......? in the picture on page 31.
- T corrects and gives them marks.
III.New lesson : (35’)
1/ Pre – teach: *Vocabulary: T presents some new words. (10’)
Awful( adj ) = Terrible : (explanation)
expensive ( adj ) >bad ( adj ) >boring ( adj ) ( example )
delicious( adj ) : ngon ( translation )
comfortable ( adj ) : ( translation )
convenient ( adj ) : ( translation)
modern ( adj ) : ( translation)
Check: matching.
2/ Grammar : Exclamations : (10’)
T sets the scene :

Lan Hoa
Hoa: What an awful day!
This is my bedroom.
Lan: What a bright bedroom!
Rub out and remember dialogue.
Concept check :
+ Meaning: translate into Vietnamese.
* Use: to give one’s complaining and compliment.
*Form: WHAT + A / AN + ADJ + N!
+ Pronunciation: falling at the end of the sentence.
3/ Practice: word cues dill. (10’)
- T runs through the cues.
a) kitchen / amazing b) dress / expensive
c)restaurant / awful d)dinner/ delicious e) party / boring
- T and ss correct together
4 / Production( 5’)
- T hangs 5 cues on the board and ask ss to rewrite what they have done.
- T walks round and does direct corrections.
IV- Consolidation: (2’)
T says again how to make the exclamations :
What + a / an + adj + n !
V- Homework : (1’)
T asks ss to do exercise 2 on page 13 – workbook.
- Prepare for next lesson.
- Greeting

-Work in pairs.

- Listen and repeat in chorus – individual.
- Copy down.

- Match words.

- Translate

- Give use and form.

- T – whole class

- Open pairs.

- Close pairs.

- Rewrite.

- Retell the main points of this lesson

- Copy down homework.

VI.Teacher ‘s self - evaluation and remark :

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Giáo án anh 6 unit 3. At home
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Tiếng Anh 6
Gửi lên:
13/10/2014 15:16
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13/10/2014 15:16
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